Saturday, May 17, 2008

Skipping seasons

We went from winter to the furnace of summer in one half of one day. We awoke to a grey, cloudy 45 degrees and by the afternoon we had crossed the threshold into the 90's. What happened to spring?! For one brief moment, lasting all of about 2.34 days, we could bask in the sun without a jacket (even though we needed them in the shade), work in the garden because the soil was not too wet and did not act like the plasticky clay, and enjoy the bouquet of yellow freesia, yellow ranunculus, blue dutch iris, and this wonderful white flower that lasts forever and is in the allium family. Then the moment arrived when it was too hot by 10 a.m. to work in the garden, even in the shade, and the air conditioner got its first exercise of the season. Not the way to start summer if I were running things!

The sunny weather does improve one's energy and attitude. Even the offspring got up and ready in a "relative" hurry, did some school work, and off we went on a bike ride. A bike ride that would have seemed to be extra long just a short year ago was just a quick trip with dropping off books at the library. The offspring melts in the heat, with too strong sunlight triggering a headache (migraines should not afflict younglings of this age!). Perhaps I will not be reduced to write about the weather if we can have some "normal" spring days. But then we have had record snowfall in the mountains and a cooler than average beginning of the year, so what should I expect?

Time to get the offspring practicing that woodwind!